Just before going back to work after Xmas, managed to get two games in at my garage - first on the Blog is a game of Star Wars Legion with Chris using his Republic Clones led by Obiwan and Yoda while I took Separatists with the new Persuader Droid Tank.
For the game we pulled 'Major Offensive' deployment, 'Intercept The Transmission' objective and 'Clear Conditions'.
Table set
Plenty of scenery split between the desert township and the Imperial Outpost
Just off screen Chris has two BARC Speeders, otherwise three squads of Clone troopers, while I placed the Persuader ready to roll into the village
Scoring round, the Separatists sit on two objectives while the Republic only have one
Turn three - Lots of shooting, Separatists seem to have come out better as both BARC Speeders and two Clone squads are destroyed (there is one stand on the objective but not for long)
Turn Four scoring round both Obiwan and Yoda advance to claim the objective but unfortunately I have three Troop leaders within scoring range - 4 v 2 to the Separatists
Turn Five - Obiwan gets round the side of the Persuader Droid Tank and inflicts 4 point of damage.
Turn Six - I fail to kill the Clone Troopers holding Chris's objective even with shooting from the AAT Tank, Persuader and the Spider Droid.
This leaves Chris holding two double point objectives while I have only one.
Final score is 6 v 6 - a draw
Great game - Think I will drop the AAT Tank for a second Persuader Tank