Before finishing off the Xmas break, managed to get one more game of Adeptus Titanicus in against Jim's Legio.
This time I was back with my Legio Tritonis @2000pts consisting of 3 Warlord Titans and a Reaver Titan using Corsair Maniple (loaded out with 6 Volcano Cannons and Tritonis Radioactive Warheads in the Missile Launchers)
Meanwhile Jim had gone back to running his Warmaster Titan (not the Iconoclast) with 2 Reavers and a Warhound Titan.
Using the Open Engine War cards we randomly picked the various cards (having not shuffled in the last games cards - so no Thick Smog)
Deployment Map - Fortified Positions - 10"x24" rectangle in opposite quarters.
Primary Objective - Conquest - get into each others deployment zone 5vp within 18", 15vp within 12", 25vp if within 6" and bonus 5vp if no enemy units within 12" of your board edge
Planetary Effects - Toxic World - Any Titan that has suffered critical damage needs to roll a dice on '6' they suffer an additional point of critical damage
Battlefield Effects - Geysers - player who lost initiative places and scatters a 5" template, any shooting through the template is at -2 to hit
Table setup and Deployment
As can be seen Jim leads with his Warmaster Titan in the center, followed by his two Reavers while the Warhound is on flank duty. For me I place the Reaver on the near flank followed by the two Warlord Titans with double Volcano cannons and Missile Launchers while the final Warlord with Paired Lasblasters and two Plasma Cannons angles to cover the flank.
Turn One
Jim goes full stride with every Titan in response I place the middle two titans on First Fire orders, then fail my order on the Reaver (also First Fire) - seeing Jim's Titans go full speed especially the Warmaster - I decided that I needed to soften him up before he could get within 16" and start deleting my Warlords.
My First Fire managed excessive number of hits on Jim's Warmaster but he managed to save all but one hit from all my shots (reduced due to placement of a concealment bombardment)
Turn Two
Now that the Concealment bombardment was gone, I dropped my Stygian Veil stratagem in the path of the Warmaster, whereas his shooting was reduced - all my Titans could now see him in the open and he was not so lucky second time round losing all his shields and suffering double critical's to both the Legs and Body.
Meanwhile my third Warlord started firing on the Warhound sneaking in for the 25vp score, I ripped off all his shields but only managed to destroy one of his plasma guns - it survives for now. Meanwhile Jim is struggling to make any real damage except removing all the shields from the Reaver.
Damage to the Warmaster's legs makes it stumble to the right - could I get some side shots on him with First Fire?
Turn Three
Luckily for Jim he gets to go first and does emergence repairs and gets all his shields up on the Warmaster.
So I decide to ignore him knowing he forgo shooting to be able to move and face the right way. I settle in for First Fire - again failing on the Reaver!!
But that's fine my shooting deletes his Preceps Senoires Reaver Titan from combined firing from two Warlords. Meanwhile the Twin Melta Cannon Reaver has all his shields removed by missile fire but I scatter with the two Volcano Cannons - My Reaver does manage to get a hit on it's body with a Volcano Cannon so is now structurally compromised and Toxic gases cause an additional crit hit.
To keep his Warhound alive, Jim moves him behind the tall building giving me no line of sight - if only I had been able to get off Split fire order!
Turn Four
I've got initiative and place the Reaver on Emergence Repairs as it is running very hot having used its Volcano Cannons and rolling two double plasma last turn!
Meanwhile I manage two First Fires and finally a Split Fire on the Warlords - in the shooting phase I knock out the Melta Reaver and also destroy the Building with the Paired Lasblasters to be able to see the Warhound in the open and go maximal with the Sunfury Cannons and light up the Warhound.
Just the Warmaster left to shoot, Jim off loads into my Reaver and in a copy of his previous show of Shields I go 'Shields to Max' and manage to roll 2+ for every hit done (but do push the Reaver into the RED)
Jim rolls for Turn 5 and we get another turn.
Turn Five
Warlords go for First Fire hoping do some damage before Jim kills something (as he has initiative), I move the Reaver to get flank shots (also get him out of arc of the Warmaster).
Jim survives the first fire with only losing his shields. He then launchers everything - even all 12 Revelator Missiles and manages to blast away my Warlords legs from under him.
In revenge, knowing his Warmaster's legs are his weak spot, I target them with all my Missiles (Reaver and Warlord) and manage to do the two critical hits to kill him - sadly no big explosion :(
So time to count up victory points - neither Jim or I have scored the Primary Objective (not a chance in Hell that I could), if the Warmaster had survived he would have scored 5vp
So Secondary Missions - Jim had defend a building in his deployment zone which I had no clue on which gave him 10vp.
I had Secure Ground in which I had to have more Scale in two quarters than Jim (written down before the game started - I selected both base line quarters so got 5vps, if I had three Quarters then I would gain an addition 5vps
We then realised that the game was not over, so I rolled the turn dice and got a 3 (if I had rolled a 5+ game over), I was a boosted more away from Jim's Quarter, but needed to drop my plasma from red and fix some Reactor Damage (on 2nd Crit) - so succeeding in an Emergency Repair order and rolling modified 2 x 6 and a 5 (fixing the two crits and one heat)
I rolled my reactor dice for boosted movement and got only one heat and stomped forward for the extra 5vps.
So even though all the enemy titans where stopped and destroyed, it's still a draw 10 v 10
Great game - I think Jim was very unlucky in a few dice rolls, it could so easily have been his win.
Think I need to go back to Legio Astorum - get some moving on instead of all this First Fire lark...