Been a while since I've had a game against Oliver with Horus Hersey 30K.
Oliver has been busy painting up a Sons of Horus army to 4000pts size, unfortunately I had not progressed that well with my Imperial Fists army:(
So we had to cut the game down to 3000pts, which meant Oliver dropped Horus the Warmaster and a 5 man Justerian Terminator Squad with Land Raider transport - next time I'll be prepared.
Therefore with the lack of painted troops I had to combine the Imperial Fists with my Iron Hands as a Shattered Legion formation (restrictions being you have to take a HQ for each faction used) plus some Imperialis Auxilia Ally formation to complete the points.
Table Setup
We rolled up Mission 5 - Tide of Carnage and Ambush deployment map.
I won the dice roll and decided to be the Attacker and deploy on the two short table edges, putting the Sons of Horus in the centre. It would seem the Traitor forces thinking they had cornered the shattered legion forces were out smarted and the tables turned on them...
On one end I deployed all my Iron Hands - Forge Lord Centurion, Tactical Squad with Apothecary, 2 Contemptor Dreadnoughts and a Leviathan Siege Dreadnought, supported by an Imperialis Auxilia Command Squad and Ogryn Brute Squad.
On the opposite side I placed my Mastodon Super Heavy Transport containing the Imperial Fist Centurion, Tactical Squad with Apothecary and 5 man Terminator Squad, one Quad Support Gun, plus an Imperialis Auxilia Squad and 5 team Lascannon Support squad.
Meanwhile Oliver deployed facing my Iron Hands most of his force consisting of Abaddon and a 10 man Justerian Terminator Squad, 2 x Reaver Squads, 2 x Lascannon sponson Predators and two Twin Lascannon Mortis Contemptor Dreadnoughts. Behind that line he had 2 Quad Launchers and Maloghurst as his Warlord.
In reserve, Anvilus Drop pod with 10 man Flamer Squad and a 10 man Destroyer Squad with special character HQ (not sure who he was?)
Mastodon wondering if it will get to shoot something?
Turn 1
I moved my Iron Hands back as much as I could and opened up on the Justerian Terminators as I could not see the Reaver Squads, adding in the two Contemptors and the Leviathan - I managed to kill 5 of the Terminators.
The Sons of Horus managed to drop the Anvilus in just before the edge of the table, then Oliver fired his first shot with one of his Contemptors at my Leviathan, penetrating with me failing its invulnerable save and then Oliver rolling a 6 for the damage -bang the Leviathn exploded with maximum size and strength rolled taking out a number of his Flamer squad and a few wounds on my Ogryns.
Second shot of the game Oliver fires his Justerian Multi-melta at my Contemptor, I fail my save and again Olly rolls a 6 - bang another explosion.
In the assault phase, Oliver rolls above average and manages to get both Reaver Squads into combat, flurry of close combat rolls and Olliver has managed to kill 2 more models than I have, I promptly fail my Leadership test even with a reroll with Vexilla! and Olly sweeps the Iron Fists from the table.
So Far looking good for the Sons of Horus
Turn 2
My Ogryn Brute squad decided to get some revenge on the Flamer Squad, their small brains not realising the wall of fire coming their way (I thought Boarding Shields would give you a better save than 6+?)
They emerged and squashed the beakies dead
Meanwhile from the other side the Mastodon found itself within range of the Sons of Horus, hitting and destroying a Predator and a Contemptor from the rear with it's Magma Cannon, while it's sponson lascannon penetrates the rear of the other Contemptor destroying it with a damage roll of 6. Off screen - the Sons of Horus Quad Batteries where destroyed by combined Lascannons and Shatter shells fire leaving Maloghust on his own!
Plus the remaining Iron Hands Contemptor engages the Reaver Squads who lose a couple of troopers
In the Sons of Horus turn, the Justerian Terminators move forward to engage the Orgyns and score the Primary deployment zone. Meanwhile the Anvilus jets away and the Destructor Squad fails to arrive.
Turn 3
The Imperial Fists offload from the Mastodon, the Terminator squad out front to try and engage the remaining Sons of Horus assets, while the Tactical Squad exits the rear to hunt down Maloghust.
In the shooting phase the Auxilia Lascannon Squad hits Maloghust 3 times and he fails his cover save and dies.
The Mastodon fires on the Predator and takes off it's last hull point, while the Iron Hands Contemptor kills some more Reaver troops who then fail their leadership and flee the table.
The Sons of Horus fail to get their reserves again, the Terminators wipe out the Ogryns while Abaddon moves to take on the Iron Hand Comtemptor charges it and kills it.
Turn 4
At this point we determine that wherever Oliver's reserves land, he can only ever score 2 of the three zones, while I have enough units (especially as the Mastodon counts as a scoring unit) to capture all three zones.
I have also scored 'Slay the Warlord' and 'Last Man Standing' (as Oliver would have 5 surviving units while I have 7 surviving units) - so the minimum result will be 0 v 5 to the Shattered Legion.
Great to have finally get a game in - need to really get on with my Imperial Fists army.