Been a very long time since I put anything up on my blog.
Finally have a lot of miniatures painted to show-off.
Firstly, we started a Necromunda Campaign at our local store, I decided to use my Slave Ogryn gang that I painted up last year but never got to use. The Gang has done very well winning more than I loses. We are coming up to a season break before we head out into the Ash Wastes.
Here are some photos of the gang and it's latest vehicle purchase - A Chronos Ironcrawler transport
Next I picked up a new Malifaux crew Jedza the Seeker and the Alternative Lady Justice crew 'Dia De Los Muertos'
Dia de los Muertos Crew painted
Jedza Crew
Finally - picked up earlier this year a special deal on Stargrave miniatures, decided to paint a few which then turned into a full blown painting frenzy as I got into my 'Slap Chop' mojo (love this method, gives models a grim dark feel)
If you got this far down the Blog then 'Thank You' for viewing - I hope you enjoyed the photos.
Will hopefully post more soon...