So in the first year of Covid and Lockdown, the lack of gaming events (or even the club night games).
Plus after two weeks in my new job in Paddington Office, found myself 'working from home'.
Found myself with extra time in the evenings and weekends, so decided to spend time painting up some of my models - In 2020 I managed to paint up 496 Miniatures
This year, it seems that I have outdone myself with completing 852 Miniatures (216 being rebased and touched up paint schemes)
Tally of Models by type:
Ancients - Art De La Guerre (ADLG)
38 bases of Spartacus Slave Army
24 bases of Medieval Polish Army
Ancients - Mortem Et Gloriam (MEG)
8 bases of Spartacus Gladiators
39 bases of Midanite Arabs
6 Japanese Buildings
Flames of War (FoW) - Hungarian Mid War
19 Tanks
8 Guns
34 Infantry bases
Halfling Army - 102 Infantry, 4 Cavalry, 4 Beasts and 1 War machine
Vampire Counts Army - 120 Infantry, 9 Characters and 1 Zombie Dragon
Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Tritonis
3 Warlord Titans, 2 Reaver Titans and 1 Warmaster Titan
Star Wars Legion
Separatists - 1 Tank, 27 Droids, 2 Characters
Clone Army - 4 Vehicles, 46 Troopers and 9 Characters
Rebels - 80 Troopers and 6 Characters
Empire - 1 Probe Droid and 1 Character
12 Jedi Warriors
3 Jawas and Sandcrawler
2 Mandalorian, 2 Grugo and IG Droid
Esher Gang - 36 miniatures
Slave Ogryns - 12 miniatures
Beastman Bounty Hunter
Badgers and Burrows - 67 miniatures
Marvel Universe - 37 miniatures
DC Universe - 19 miniatures
Judge Dredd - 2 Judges plus Lawmaster and 5 Bots
6 Conan the Barbarian miniatures
6 D&D (TV Series) miniatures
8 Princess Brides miniatures
6 Hitch Hikers of the Galaxy miniatures
6 Battlestar Galactica miniatures
Alice with Bunny & Zombie Alice
Fimir Hero, Fimir Sorcerer and Familiar
Elven Sorcerer
Cyborg Assassin
3 Halfling Soldiers (super sized)
Frodo and Samwise Hobbits
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