Tale of a Gamer who grew up to be a Painter - Part 4

October 29, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

After spending a lot of time on Malifaux (see Malifaux Gallery)

A new interest came on the scene - Forgeworld had started producing Horus Heresy 30K models in resin and releasing rulebooks for the game, I decided it was time for me to paint a new Legion and decided on 'Sons of Horus' using the new Forgeworld models.

So many hours spent I finally had a 3000pts force ready for the coming tournaments and events.

Which had to have me leading the force with none other than Warmaster Horus

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Plus Ezekial Abbaddon

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Plus Loken as a Centurion Commander

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Plus Apothecaries

2021-09-21 07.56.542021-09-21 07.56.54 2021-09-21 07.51.422021-09-21 07.51.42 Then we have the Troops - Space Marine Legion Squads (maxed out full 20 man units)

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Later with the plastic box starter set they moved to 32mm bases - so instead of pulling the old bases off I bought load of 'C' clip bases to convert them to the new size.

Next we have the Elite Terminators

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Taken from the new Horus Heresy boxed set, along with the Contemptor Dreadnoughts

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Finally a pair of Spartan Tanks to transport all the troops into battle

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So much fun I had painting these up, must admit now they could do with a touch up and more detail added - but at the time I felt very pleased with the results, my own take on the 'sea green' colour scheme for the Sons Of Horus.

Many victories were had against the lap dogs of the Emperor and occasional disagreement with some Traitor forces. Think they only ever lost one game against an Imperial Fists force.

Happy days - with this force done I felt the need to embark on a 2nd Heresy army, but who to choose....


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