TableTop Republic Star Wars Legion 1 Day event

October 10, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

On Saturday I attended a small event at Table Top Republic in High Wycombe doing a 1 day Star Wars Legion Tournament (3 games of 2 hour length). Been over two years since I had last played Legion and with all the new models and rule changes, I expected this to be a challenge for me to play.

Got to TTR before registration and had a look round the nicely setup tables, themed and with enough scenery to make things interesting but not too difficult (only one table was actually taped up to the 3' x 6' play area which made judging being on the battlefield a bit difficult)

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Ten gamers had signed up for the event but two dropped out at the last moment, not to bad eight attendees, mix of factions 3 Rebel armies, 3 Republic Clone armies and 2 Galactic Empire armies - no Separatist armies.

I was one of the Republic Clone armies, wanted to use it as I had spent the early part of Lock-down painting it up and had bought and painted up Yoda (the first two are from the new boxed set)

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And all three together, the 3D printed version fits in perfectly

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As to the rest of the army - 3 units of Phase 1 Clone Troopers, 1 unit of Arc Troopers, 1 BARC Speeder and 1 Saber Class Tank

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As to the games
Round 1 - facing A Rebel List with the new transport and Speeder, what caught me out is how badass the new Operative Luke Skywalker is, tooled up he took on nearly all my force and wiped them out!
Even Yoda was just a minor speed bump to his rampage.

Sorry forgot to take any pictures - big loss to me (didn't need even count up the victory points)

Round 2 - facing another Rebel list with Operative Luke and Transport, started off good for me as I killed his sniper team and pathfinders in the first turn. Then Luke came charging across the table, I had one turn to stop him before he got to my lines, I shot everything I had at him but only managed two do 3 wounds, then he hit and took out Yoda with one swing of his light saber and then went to town on the rest of the Clones.

Unluckily we ran out of time for me to try and grab more objectives  and I lost 2 v 1 victory points, so another loss to me

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Round 3 - Galactic Empire led by Admiral Krennic and the Imperial Tank from Rogue One. Yay no Luke Skywalker to ruin my day. Game was played down the length of the table and my opponent castled up on the Outpost building.
Suited me fine and I finally got my act together and co-ordinated my attack and grabbed two objectives early then had some great shooting killing various imperial troops.
Then Yoda did a super jump onto the platform and killed his operative, while the BARC speeder on its last wound managed to contest the objective held by Krennic to give me another victory point, the score ended 3 v 1 for a Win to me :)

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End of the tournament I managed to place 6th out of 8, great fun.

I definitely have a lot to learn about list building and synergies in Star Wars Legion, looking forward to more tournaments like this.


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